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  • Deposit: $0
  • Minimum stay: 4 weeks
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Internet: Yes
  • Smoking: No
  • Can pickup airport?: Yes
  • House has pets?: Yes
  • Available from: 08 Jul 2024
  • Available to: 07 Jul 2024
Beautiful family home in one of Sydney's safest suburbs. 5 min walk to Metro 30 min to the city .
5 min to Castle Towers Shopping Center.
Share bathroom with one Vietnamese student Tai.
We have one cat and a very cute puppy, I am a stay at home mum and cook all our meals, we love music and laughing


  • Featured member since 07 Jul 2024
  • Phone verified


Places Nearby

  • Castle Towers shopping

    is 2 km away (5 mins by train)
  • University of Sudney

    is 45 km away (35 mins by train)

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